Bahrain condemns Israeli police storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque, calls for calm

Bahrain has condemned the Israeli police’s storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday, and the resulting acts of violence, injury and arrest of dozens of worshipers, which represents a provocation to Muslims, especially in the Holy Month of Ramadan.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed the importance of respecting the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque and Al-Haram Al-Sharif, and the need to respect the role of Jordan in caring for sanctities and endowments in accordance with international law and the existing historical context.


It affirmed the need to stop any provocative measures that would fuel violence, religious hatred, extremism and instability.


The ministry called on the international community to assume its responsibilities in calming the situation and expanding serious prospects for a just and comprehensive peace process based on the principle of the two-state solution and the Arab Peace Initiative.


It stressed Bahrain’s unequivocal stance in support of the right of the Palestinian people, in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy.