Bahrain, Saudi Arabia review ways to enhance legal, judicial cooperation

Vice-President of the Supreme Judicial Council and President of the Court of Cassation, Chancellor Abdulla bin Hassan Al-Buainain, Attorney-General, Dr. Ali bin Fadhl Al-Buainain, and Minister of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments, Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa, held a joint meeting with the Saudi Justice Minister and President of the Saudi Supreme Judicial Council, Dr. Walid Al-Samaani, who is on an official visit to Bahrain.


During the meeting, which was attended by officials from the Justice Ministry, judges and members of the Public Prosecution, they welcomed the visit of the Saudi Justice Minister and his accompanying delegation to the kingdom.


They reviewed the development projects of Bahrain’s judicial system, including mainly the implementation of the Restorative Justice Law for Children and Protection from Maltreatment, the Alternative Penalties and Procedures Law, the Law of Civil and Commercial Execution, the legal case management system and medication in criminal cases.


The visiting delegation was also briefed about the strategic initiatives (2021-2025) put forward by the Justice Ministry to enhance access to justice, which is based on seven pillars that are implemented over a period of five years.


The five-year strategy is aimed at developing the legal and judicial work environment, enhancing the role of licensees in resolving disputes, involvement of the private sector, serving the public, improving the predictability of judgments and criminal justice procedures, developing judicial procedures and digital courts, and the practice of the legal profession, and enhancing the family and child protection environment.


The meeting also reviewed the applications of digital transformation in the justice sector, through which the automation of all procedures before the courts was completed, thus putting in place an integrated system that is fully available electronically, starting from filing the case until the stage of the execution of the judicial rulings, taking into account the availability of all constitutional and legal guarantees for a fair trial.


Following the meeting, the Saudi Minister of Justice toured the restorative justice courts, where he was briefed on the progress of their work and procedures, as well as on the role of social and psychological experts before the restorative justice courts for children and the Judicial Committee for Childhood.