FDI volume increases 5.6% to BHD12.6 billion despite pandemic

The Information & eGovernment Authority announced the provisional results of the 2021 Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) Survey, which was carried out in collaboration with the Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) and the Economic Development Board (EDB). The survey covers the volume of investment flow by establishments active across all sectors whose capital is owned by non-resident entities.

The survey showed a 5.6% increase in Foreign Direct Investments stocks to BHD12.6 billion, compared to BHD11.9 billion in 2020. The survey measures the stocks and flows of foreign investments made by key entities in different economic sectors. This data is vital in helping decision makers set suitable policies to attract further investments and contribute to the Kingdom’s development.

The survey showed that the Kingdom’s annual FDI inflows during 2021 were approximately BHD663.9 million, dominated mostly by financial and insurance activities and manufacturing at BHD432.0 and BHD238.9 million, respectively. Foreign investments from Cayman Islands contributed 41.3%, or BHD274.2 million of the total flows, followed by Kuwait with BHD223.9 million, and Saudi Arabia with BHD190.7 million.

The survey aims to identify sources of foreign investment according to investors’ countries of residence, in addition to highlighting sectors that attract and maintain investments. It also helps decision makers set appropriate policies to attract further investments to contribute to the Kingdom’s ongoing development.

One of the IGA’s most important publications, the FDI Survey helps identify foreign investment stocks and flows. The iGA, represented by the Economic Statistical Directorate, conducts the survey in partnership with other authorities and in line with global standards. The survey is in accordance with a joint strategic statistical work plan overseen by the GCC Statistical Center aimed at collecting foreign investment data on the GCC as a unified bloc.