HH Deputy Premier receives participants in conference to launch “Document on Education Development in the Arab World”

Deputy Prime Minister and President of the Supreme Council for the Development of Education and Training (SCDET), HH Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa, received here today, in the presence of Education Minister, Dr. Majid bin Ali Al-Nuaimi, and SCDET members, the Speaker of Arab Parliament (AP), Adel Al-Asoomi, and the participants in the conference to launch the “Document on Education Development in the Arab World”.Held under the patronage of HH Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak, the conference, themed “Bahrain the gateway to the development of education in the Arab world”, is organised by the Arab Parliament, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, with the participation of the speakers of Arab legislative councils and parliaments, as well as representatives of the relevant organisations.HH Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak welcomed the conference participants, stressing the importance of the event. He commended the efforts of the AP Speaker and members to adopt the “Document on Education Development in the Arab World”, as a full-fledged document that covers the requirements of the educational process, affirming the importance of education in enhancing the progress of nations.AP Speaker addressed the opening session of the conference, which kicked off here today. He underlined the AP’s interest in everything aimed at strengthening the brotherly relations, cooperation and complementarity among Arab states, particularly in the field of education, given the pivotal role it plays in meeting the aspirations of Arab peoples for more progress.

Education Minister, Dr. Majid bin Ali Al-Nuaimi also addressed the conference. He reviewed the march of education in the kingdom, and highlighted the numerous achievements attained by Bahrain thanks to the directives of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and the follow-up of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister.

Then, Speaker of the House of Representatives in Jordan, Abdulkarim Faisal Dughmi, and his counterparts from Arab legislative councils and parliaments also spoke during the conference. They expressed their thanks and appreciation to the kingdom for hosting the conference, praising its successes and accomplishments in the field of education. They also highlighted the importance of the “Document” in achieving the aspirations of Arab countries for putting in place advanced educational systems that keep pace with the knowledge revolution and technological advances.

During the conference, Saudi Shura Council member and Chairperson of the Committee on Social, Educational, Cultural, Women and Youth Affairs at the Arab Parliament, gave a presentation about the stages of the preparation of the “Document”. She also reviewed the efforts exerted by the Arab Parliament in cooperation with partners to prepare it. They include the Arab League, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States (ABEGS), the Association of Arab Universities and the Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils.

At the end of the conference, HH Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak was handed over the “Document on Education Development in the Arab World” by the AP Speaker.

The Deputy Prime Minister expressed thanks to the AP Speaker and members for the efforts they are making to enhance joint Arab action at all levels.