HRH the Crown Prince and Prime Minister chairs the weekly cabinet meeting

His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, today chaired the weekly cabinet meeting at Gudaibiya Palace.


The Cabinet noted the importance of continued cooperation and coordination between the Executive and Legislative Authorities, to further the progress and development of the Kingdom, for the benefit of its citizens. The Cabinet expressed its appreciation for the role played by the Shura Council and Council of Representatives, and their active contribution to the advancement and development of the Kingdom of Bahrain.


The Cabinet reviewed the positive outcomes achieved in ensuring the availability of basic commodities, through measures taken in response to market shifts in light of global developments affecting energy supplies and the availability and prices of goods. In this regard, the Cabinet thanked the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism for its efforts, and noted the importance of continuing to monitor market prices and the availability of goods and thanked the Kingdom’s business community in ensuring the provision of goods.


The Cabinet welcomed the declaration by the President of the Republic of Yemen, HE Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, on the establishment of a presidential council to whom he has transferred Presidential authority, thus completing the implementation of the transitional phase, in accordance with the constitution, the GCC Initiative, and its executive mechanisms.


The Cabinet affirmed the Kingdom of Bahrain’s support for the Yemeni presidential council in managing the country’s affairs through the transitional period, and in meeting the aspirations of the Yemeni people for security, stability, and development.


The Cabinet discussed several memorandums during the meeting with the following outcomes:


The following topics were reviewed:


1. A memorandum by the Government Executive Committee on a brief regarding the performance of government agencies in the “Sijilat”, “Tawasul” and “Benayat” systems during the first quarter of 2022. The efficiency, productivity, and quality of government services provided to citizens, and the support to the Kingdom’s commercial and investment activities, were reviewed.


2. A memorandum by the Ministerial Committee for Financial and Economic Affairs and Fiscal Balance regarding progress on implementing the Kingdom’s Economic Recovery Plan, which confirmed that by the end of the first quarter of 2022, 16 of the 27 initiatives under the Plan’s 5 priorities have been implemented. These initiatives have contributed to the improvement recorded by economic indicators during the first quarter of 2022, with evidence of growth seen in a number of sectors, most notably in tourism, trade, financial services and the real estate sectors.


The approval of the following memorandums:


1.  A memorandum by the Ministerial Committee for Legal and Legislative Affairs regarding a Draft Law ratifying an agreement on the linking of payment systems between GCC countries. The move aims to enhance cross boarder safety and efficiency.


2.  A memorandum by the Ministerial Committee for Legal and Legislative Affairs regarding an MoU between the Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs and the Pearl Initiative, which aims to educate and train young entrepreneurs on commercial and corporate governance best practices and to support them through the provision of mentorship and commercial development programmes.


3. A memorandum by the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the legal regulation of honorary consuls abroad who are accredited to the Kingdom of Bahrain.


4.  A memorandum by the Ministerial Committee for Legal and Legislative Affairs regarding the government’s response to four proposals submitted by the Council of Representatives.


The Cabinet took note of several Ministerial reports, regarding the outcomes of a visit to the Russian Federation and participation in the Gavi COVAX Advance Market Commitment Summit 2022.