Information Minister praises Ramadan TV, radio programmes

Information Affairs Minister, Ali bin Mohammed Al-Romaihi, has underlined the Ministry’s keenness to provide a variety of television and radio programmes during the holy month of Ramadan that reflects the authentic Bahraini heritage and appeals to Bahraini and Arab viewers.


The minister made the statements while visiting “Souq Al-Baraha” at Diyar Al-Muhrarraq, where the Al-Sariyah TV Quiz show is filmed and produced.


Al-Romaihi was informed about the progress of the TV quiz show, praising the support enjoyed by the media sector, in general, and the Al-Sariyah Programme, in particular, from HM the King’s Representative for Humanitarian Work and Youth Affairs and Chairman of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, HH Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa.


The minister also visited the live TV shows filmed at the Information Ministry’s studios, where he met the work teams of the “Al-Malaab Kids” (Kids’ playground) and “Abwab Al-Jannah” (Gates of Heaven”), and commended the efforts being made to offer programmes that promote a culture of knowledge, self-development and friendly competition among children and youth.


The Information Affairs Minister also visited the radio programmes that are broadcast live on Bahrain Radio, where he met those in charge of them, and commended their efforts.


Al-Romaihi also paid a visit to the News Centre, where he was briefed about the way news bulletins and shows are prepared.


He asserted that all media staff are appreciated by everyone, praying to Allah the Almighty to protect the Kingdom of Bahrain, under the leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.


The Information Affairs Minister also paid tribute to the SCYS’ Heritage Sports Committee, the National Plan to Promote the Spirit of Belonging to the Nation and Reinforce the Values of Nationalism (Bahrainouna), Batelco, STC Bahrain and all sponsors of the TV and radio programmes during the holy month of Ramadan.