Interior Minister receives NIHR President, members

Interior Minister General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa received today the President of the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR), Ali Al Derazi and members.  The Chief of Public Security and Interior Ministry Undersecretary attended.The Interior Minister welcomed the NIHR President and members, hailing the approach of the Kingdom of Bahrain led by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa for the protection and respect of human rights. He valued the role of NIHR in reinforcing human rights values, wishing the best to the institution and its members.The meeting reviewed cooperation and coordination to promote human rights principles within the reform approach of HM the King. The role of the community police in promoting human rights was highlighted along with security topics, including the reduction in crime rates in Bahrain.

The meeting was also attended by the Director-General of Media and Security Culture, Assistant Undersecretary for Legal Affairs and Director-General of Verdicts Implementation and Alternative Penalties.