Nasser bin Hamad chairs Nogaholding board meeting

Representative of His Majesty the King for Humanitarian Work and Youth Affairs, Board Chairman of the Oil and Gas Holding company (Nogaholding), His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, chaired today the board meeting to approve the company’s annual fiscal report.


HH Shaikh Nasser praised the company’s distinguished financial results in 2021 and got informed about the report of the executive management which shed light on the company’s latest developments, plans of the administrative taskforce and progress in implementing strategic projects run by the company like the modernization of Bapco Refinery and the excavation operations being carried out by Tatweer Petroleum.


HH Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa noted the company’s distinguished financial performance which is the result of the administration’s competence and the efforts to cut down expenditure as well as recovery of the energy sector in the world. He lauded development of the energy sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain, praising the efforts of Nogaholding and its affiliated companies to achieve the visions of the leadership.


HH Shaikh Nasser expressed keenness to continue enhancing productivity of the operational companies to ensure sustainability and protection of natural resources and energy sources. He pointed out the role of Nogaholding in promoting investments and developing the sector, being a catalyst of economic growth in the kingdom.